Wednesday, April 11, 2012

She's so "Hipster"

  To be a hipster you have to be over 21 years old. In my rule book of course being 14 I am sure that nobody in my school is a hipster.  Real hipsters are village/Brooklyn wanderers. The people coming into my architechure presentation at camp with the long flowing beards and skirts. Those people would never call themselves hipsters to mainstream. I can see why because If you look at "Hipster Blogs" on tumblr  its just a large amount of Australia's youth. I am serious all the clothing and culture is Australian. Even though these girls are not hipster they do have the best summer clothing.
I did some research and found  out were to buy the stuff  :)! (By the way is america a thing, because  those american flag shorts from topshop are quite popular England and Hong Kong)
Anyways these websites are what  I found
No wonder Billabong did so well in the states ..this clothing is cute..
What country do you think the best clothing comes from? and is America really that cool?
American shorts from a  Hong Kong based company called chic wish??

oh dear, a hipster blog..

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

adventures: First day of School

My shirt
As much outfit as I could show

My desert boots!

Today for school I built up the courage to wear drip dyed two tone high waist jeans from urban outfitters and a plaid worker shirt tied up. I was surprised that nobody else had High waist jeans on too anyway. I ate lunch in the band room. I also wore my old desert boots. School was pretty much blah today.  I can barley remember watch new teachers I got. But now I'm home and relaxed and blogging so I'm happy.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


For My Cousin :)<3
              This must be the result of the disease called summer boredom. I will try to keep posting. Previously I had two very unsuccessful/ I gave up blogs. Sooo I will try to keep this blog for the  summer I will write about well stupid stuff that I do. I am very interested in fashion so mostly I will write about that.  I am going to architecture camp in a week. Right now I stuck at home. Home is boring in the suburbs. I live a 20 minute train ride from the city and it will be fun going to New York City  for camp.  I recently went to the beach with my family and found out my cousin  had quite a interest in fashion too! Yet she didn't even know what vogue was! So I educated her :). I have been called an overprotective ; sister and cousin. I am a twin and my brother had an horrible ear infection the whole time and that just made me upset. He is better now though. He's a cool kid.I have to go now,wrap up this blog post, and eat Thai food. Bye! Bye!
-Sunshine Girl